Why you should have a gratitude practice

Why do we instruct our kids to wear a helmet every time they ride their bike ? And why do we ensure our employees wear their PPE all the time ?

Simple. Because we don’t know when they are going to need it.

So when it comes to a gratitude practice (aka your Habitual Ritual), why should you have a gratitude practice ?

Again, quite simple. Because you don’t know when you’re going to need it.

A Habitual Ritual builds internal resources that strengthens your resilience. A well tuned gratitude practice enables you to:

  • better deal with challenges

  • feel a greater sense of optimism

  • remain focused on the bigger picture

In addition, your grateful attitude:

  • boosts your immune system

  • insulates you from depression and hopelessness

  • keeps your reptilian brain from taking over - so you stay rational

If your life is going great and you’re thriving without a Habitual Ritual, that’s great. But guess what ? It’s only a matter of time. 

My advice

Develop a Habitual Ritual before you need it. The best time to start your Habitual Ritual is 20 years ago. The second best time to start your Habitual Ritual is today.

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