The case to pay it forward

Hand drawn graphic of a large person holding a banner with a pay it forward mindset written on them

We are just closing the chapter on a wildfire that ravaged the outskirts of the city. We used to live in one of the neighbourhoods affected by the fire and know many of the people evacuated and a few of the families who lost their homes.

On the day the fire started, I just happened to be golfing at a course in the immediate vicinity of the fire. We first noticed the smoke on the 9th hole and by the 16th hole, even though there were no evacuation orders, the smoke in the sky had grown to the point where we looked at each other and said, “OK, it’s time to get out of here.”

The drive home was very emotional. Imagine, you’re driving out of the fire area in bumper to bumper traffic—10km/hr (~6mph) and the oncoming lane is empty other than every couple minutes a fire truck or first response vehicle passes you with lights flashing and sirens blaring.

I welled up as it struck me:

We’re heading out and they are heading in !

As I contrasted my fear with their courage, I experienced a surge of oxytocin and an immense sense of gratitude for the people who risk their lives for others—and gratitude to their loved-ones who live with the constant reality of uncertainty.

Thanks to a huge effort we are able to celebrate no loss of human life. The next big celebration is for the families who get to return to their homes. Lastly, it’s worth celebrating the human spirit which is going to inspire the remaining families who have to rebuild their lives and are currently experiencing an incredible sense of loss in the midst of this tragedy—which will take time.

Whether you were affected by this fire or not, there are countless blessings in your life for which it is impossible for you to express your gratitude to the people who brought it about—you may not know them or their numbers are too great or they are no longer living or whatever. So what should you do ? Specifically, how do you express your gratitude to them ?

You don’t. Instead of expressing gratitude to them, express your gratitude for them and pay it forward to someone else.

Simple—every day intentionally do something to express your gratitude for everything you’ve received in your life. I encourage you to adopt a pay-it-forward mindset as policy, yes a policy, to follow every day for the rest of your life.

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