Steve Foran Steve Foran

How a blizzard keeps you level

The city was pretty much shut down for 36 hours... all because of what was described as a winter hurricane. After all the mental exercises in trying to deal with the weather, I realized <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

You're only half right

A thread has been building over the last few weeks... about the importance of gratitude and gratefulness. But there are still the doubters who think that gratitude is nothing more than a touchy-feely pile of crap <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Now more than ever

It's the perfect storm... the news that dominates western culture combined with the default human mindset.

If you don't have a strategy to protect yourself from this cyclone, then you will be swept away by it... derailing success and progress. Fact is, it's already happening to <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

10 years ago this week

This week I got the urge to dig into the archives and see what was going on 10 years ago this week. It was a busy week in 2007... but something happened as <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

What's in 235 voicemails?

I got the urge to listen to 2 years worth of voicemail (ok... I'm a loser). What I heard was fascinating and on a practical level, it revealed 2 nuggets you can use with <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran


I was reluctant about shooting this video. Initially, I thought the idea was way too corny but <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

It had to be said

The message in this video is not meant to offend but it had to be said. The origins of this story came from a ski trip we took the kids on. The main character is a <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

The side effects of gratitude

I was reading The Little Book of Gratitude... it's the latest book by Dr. Robert Emmons (the #1 gratitude researcher in the world). In it, he discusses the notion of "side effects" from practicing gratitude. I had never even thought about this before! He got me thinking about the importance of <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

3 more gratitude lessons from a bridge

We're back to the Macdonald Bridge redecking and we've got 3 strategic lessons from this massive bridge project that relate directly to building a culture rooted in gratitude. All 3 lessons are important but the first one addresses <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

3 gratitude lessons from a bridge

The largest bridge replacement project in the world is happening just on the other side of town. There is an amazing parallel between this bridge project and our work with gratitude and if you have to deal with change... then it applies to <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Gratitude from a cold shower

If you're not careful your self talk can be the equivalent of taking a cold shower. It happened to me a few days ago and fortunately I caught myself... all I had to do was <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

One way to change the trajectory of your next meeting

Over the last 29 years I’ve seen a lot of meetings, both good ones and bad ones. Some I’ve chaired, some I’ve sat through, some I wished I was golfing, some were all over the place, and some were… all of the above.

While there isn’t a common element to what worked or what didn’t work, there’s a technique I started a few years back <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

One Question

We took to the streets of my home town and asked people one simple question. It confirmed what we suspected... watch and see how <<<read more>>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

You can know everything about gratitude but it isn’t worth jack if you’re missing this one critical piece

I’ve had businesses who were just interested in the benefits of having a grateful minded workforce (and there are many), the science behind gratitude, the psychology of how it works, the various frameworks for understanding how it operates within individuals and within social settings and the various techniques you can use to develop a grateful frame of mind. And they were interested in teaching their people all this so they could have a more positive, engaged, productive culture.

At first thought it sounds good. But one important ingredient is missing. <read more>

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