Steve Foran Steve Foran

3 gratitude lessons from a bridge

The largest bridge replacement project in the world is happening just on the other side of town. There is an amazing parallel between this bridge project and our work with gratitude and if you have to deal with change... then it applies to <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Gratitude from a cold shower

If you're not careful your self talk can be the equivalent of taking a cold shower. It happened to me a few days ago and fortunately I caught myself... all I had to do was <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

One way to change the trajectory of your next meeting

Over the last 29 years I’ve seen a lot of meetings, both good ones and bad ones. Some I’ve chaired, some I’ve sat through, some I wished I was golfing, some were all over the place, and some were… all of the above.

While there isn’t a common element to what worked or what didn’t work, there’s a technique I started a few years back <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

One Question

We took to the streets of my home town and asked people one simple question. It confirmed what we suspected... watch and see how <<<read more>>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

You can know everything about gratitude but it isn’t worth jack if you’re missing this one critical piece

I’ve had businesses who were just interested in the benefits of having a grateful minded workforce (and there are many), the science behind gratitude, the psychology of how it works, the various frameworks for understanding how it operates within individuals and within social settings and the various techniques you can use to develop a grateful frame of mind. And they were interested in teaching their people all this so they could have a more positive, engaged, productive culture.

At first thought it sounds good. But one important ingredient is missing. <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

When gratitude isn't appropriate

Plain and simple... gratitude enables you to draw the positive from the benefits in life. Most people are pleasantly surprised by how gratitude shines light on many of the invisible benefits of life we so often take for granted.

Even challenges can be seen as beneficial, although not always immediately. The benefits of a challenge may <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Grateful Illusions

We just finished our spring cleaning and what I thought was an optical illusion, had me off level. Fortunately, it didn't fool my wife. Watch the <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Dog with Bone

Whether it was adrenaline, cortisol or both, I'm not sure... but whatever it was, it knocked me off level and made me like a dog with a bone. This type of reactive behaviour is typical in <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Let There Be Light

At the extreme ends of the gratitude scale sit grateful and ingrateful. Somewhere in the middle is a very dangerous place called ungrateful.
Ungrateful habits are costly, eroding the cultures at home and in the office. This is not good... especially for building a positive, engaged <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Growing People with Appreciation

People are more productive and more fulfilled when they perceive they are appreciated. One study found that employees who were shown appreciation and gratitude by their supervisor were 50% more productive than <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

They Zapped Me

On January 4th I had a health scare.

All is fine now, but as the doctor described my condition, an interesting parallel with gratitude appeared.

I thought it was something that might help you stay level the next time you get busy or stressed <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Finding a Simpler Way

What if there was a simple fix to achieving your resolution… or being your best… or to more success? 

While things like persistence, commitment and purpose clearly top the list of what you need to be successful; this year I had another thought. While I can't say for certain, but what if the fix to a successful resolution came simply from a transformation in perspective? 

Think for a moment about your growth <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Grateful Resolutions

Parrots, pirates and the sea... join me at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic as we take a lesson from the history books to help you achieve your New Year's resolution. 
And if you haven't resolved to do something anew, you may want to rethink that after you learn a very simple way to help you succeed. If you want to pretty much guarantee your success, <read more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Winning the battle of positive vs negative

A quick psychology lesson… negative emotions narrow the options for human behaviour (i.e. fight or flight) whereas positive emotions widen the array of possibilities available to you and your people. The Broaden and Build Theory asserts that positive emotions were central to human survival and are considered a significant factor for our existence today. This is very important to business because according to Broaden and Build, the effect of positive emotions is cumulative over time resulting in greater wellbeing, better health and stronger social connections, as well being more resilient, more knowledgeable and more effective.

You want more people who are positive? It's simple. Take control and provide... <read more>

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